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Zaara Shafi


The Proof is in the Posting

Has reviewing everything become our ruin? 

Off of Pinterest, Into Print

J-Crew’s catalog is your newest way to escape the doom scroll.

Creating Under Capitalism

From Booktok curating entire libraries to soulless cover designs, are we losing our artistry?

Surfing TikTok Shop Just To Feel Something

When our sense of belonging relies on our belongings

Who Rules the Girl Internet?

The girl–ification of TikTok isn't pretty in pink. 

Like Taking Collagen From a Baby

Sephora is the new sandbox.

The Return of the Aughts and the Nots

How the Y2K revival reignites a problematic trend for women’s bodies.

The Comeback of Color

Color is finally being celebrated in fashion again after years of an obsession with neutrals.

The Decline of Kylie

The release of Kylie Jenner's clothing line Khy may have been the final nail in the celebrity brand's coffin.

Call Me Ms. Andrist

How the Tumblr and TikTok femcel ‘aesthetics’ mold young women to romanticize the tragedy of womanhood

What About South Asian Fashion?

A look into the undervaluation and disregard of South Asian fashion
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