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Sophia Rosser


Penn 10: Kayli Mann

This senior shows us that sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the compass.

A Taste of the Philippines in the Heart of Philadelphia

Chef Kathy Mirano's journey from family recipes to Philly's beloved Tambayan

GET–UP, Get Down, Penn Is a Union Town

Inside the revived grad student fight for unionization at Penn. 

Somebody Call 988!

A look at how Philly is adapting to a new mental health emergency hotline.

Living History: Affordable Housing on Market Street

A look at how the West Philly community is responding to plans for luxury housing units at 4601 Market Street

The past and future of Black fashion at Blk Ivy and Grant Blvd

From preserving the 1960s Black Ivy style to creating her own fashion line, Kimberly McGlonn uses fashion as a vehicle for activism 

Is Penn Alexander School A Success Story?

What Penn Alexander's history is telling us about Penn's plan for Lea Elementary

Philadelphia School District Is MOVEing to Expand Its Curriculum

MOVE's history will now be a mandatory part of the Philadelphia public school curriculum.
More articles by Sophia Rosser