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Samantha Hsiung


Who's to Blame for the Commercialization of Cultural Trauma in Literature?

Are we, the readers, complicit?

Weike Wang’s ‘Rental House’ Reminds Us of the Opportunity Cost of Belonging

How do we know where to call home?

Building Breakups: The Faulty Foundations of Love in 'The Bachelor' Franchise

How The Bachelor franchise misrepresents the reality of romantic relationships by avoiding politics.

Why Does That Cheeseburger Look So Good?

AI is quietly transforming the way we experience visuals in our lives—in some ways we don’t even notice.

Daniel Min’s Journey From Twitch Streaming to Instagram Fame

“DM” is performing better in his internship than you think he is.

C–Dramas: The Perfect Alternative to American TV Shows

Nobody wants to watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ anymore

Wallows’ New Album 'Model' is All About Nostalgia

Despite a few lackluster songs, the band still captures their signature sound while exploring new emotional depths.
More articles by Samantha Hsiung


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