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Natasha Doherty


Penn's Gender Pay Gap

Why you’ll make $3,735 less per year than the guy sitting next to you in CIS 160 

A Blank Wall: A Window into an Institution

One girl's failed attempt to bring art and life into Huntsman Hall.

Make Friends With Pimms

Probably the only worthwhile British export in a while.

From the Mouth of Commons

We convinced the 1920 Commons staff to spill the beans on their favorite and weirdest experiences but only if they were anonymous.

Lovin' Girard Ain't Hard

Fill up at Fishtown's anti-SABS eatery


Chant: “I am a grown–ass (wo)man! I don’t need a dining plan!”

Inside the Mangina of UArts

Street decided to take a break from Bridge Cafe to try another on–campus dining option: University of the Arts' premier dining hall, Mangia, affectionately called Mangina. Located in the middle of UArts' Center City campus, Mangia is their version of Bridge, Commons and Hill, all mashed together, but cheap.

Dead Funny: Mask and Wig's A Comedy of Terrors

Last Saturday, I headed off campus to catch the Mask and Wig Show’s “A Comedy of Terrors.” Looking to switch up my Saturday night routine, I was keen to replace the drama of Greek life with, you know, actual drama.

Ali Lotz's Les Fumeurs

In its most basic sense, Les Fumeurs is a black and white film showing individual portraits of fifteen people smoking cigarettes. As the sitters are alone onscreen and in their private moments, each person’s smoking tics and idiosyncrasies become clear. They smoke at their own pace, until they finish. And one by one they leave the shot, and their picture disappears.
More articles by Natasha Doherty