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Nadine Zylerberg


"A Late Quartet" Makes Sweet Music and That's About it

Yaron Zilberman’s “A Late Quartet” follows the Fugue, a famed musical ensemble struggling to stay together after its revered cellist Peter Mitchell (Christopher Walken) is diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Hugo Is A Lesson In More Than Children’s Movies

Scorcese’s Hugo is a commentary on film history wrapped up in mickey mouse paper.

Film Review: Ryan Gosling Can DRIVE

We’d be happy to ride shotgun in this latest blockbuster.

Border Patrol

Battle wounds, malaria treatment and vaccinations are to be expected in a film documenting the mission of four Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) volunteers in devastated Liberia and war-torn Congo.
More articles by Nadine Zylerberg