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Meerabelle Jesuthasan


Reconnecting with Roots in Penn’s Less Commonly Taught Language Classes

For students in languages from Quechua to Tamil, small language courses allow them to celebrate and explore their heritage.

How Penn Archaeologist Joyce White Became an Expert Witness in a High–Profile Smuggling Case

Her work on the Thailand Ban Chiang site helped stop the smuggling of 10,000+ ancient artifacts.

A Permanent Legacy: The Naming Process at Penn

Months after Steve Wynn’s name was removed from campus, the conditions for granting naming rights—and revoking them— remain mysterious at Penn

Your Fail–Safe Guide to Septa

A token to ride

Powering the Power Down

Behind the scenes of Penn's month for sustainability.

Uber Anywhere?

Penn students weigh in on #DeleteUber.

It's Happening Again: Twin Peaks Returns in May 2017

Time to get up to speed.

Your First Tattoo: A Basic Guide

Penn and Ink
More articles by Meerabelle Jesuthasan