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Jillian Di Filippo


Contrapposto: Taking a Stance on Historical Reconstruction

Philadelphia’s rich history is one of its most venerated attributes—the founding fathers of the United States are memorialized all over the colonial city, including on Penn’s campus.

Penn, We Miss You

Dear Penn, We thought we wouldn’t say this a month ago…but we miss you. At first, everything was great.

Arts' Guide To Sculpting (Your Spring Bod)

The human body has been celebrated throughout art history. As you get in shape for skimpier seasons, look to these artful hot–bods for some inspirational advice.

Delicious Pies in 5 Ingredients or Less

Scouring FroGro for the quickest pie fixes around.

If You're Feeling Fairey…

Then take a look at these two street artists and their eye–catching graphic designs.

The Fine Art of Taxidermy

Taxidermy artist Beth Beverly gives us an inside look on her unconventional choice of medium. Check out her new reality show “Immortalized” on AMC.
More articles by Jillian Di Filippo