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Jennifer Lopes


Back to the future

Today as I walked towards my new apartment I found myself unconsciously inching closer to what used to be my home sophomore year, the infamous High Rise North, I realized the chilling fact: I am a senior and I don't live there anymore.

Person on the street: Keep on DeTurckin'

Street: Being Dean, don't you find you don't have enough time to give to your students? Dennis DeTurck: Sometimes.

Bucks, no not starbucks -- The cool one

Street: So do you work the late night? MB: Yeah, I work from 10 [p.m.] to 3 [a.m.]. Street: How is that working out for you? MB: It's not that bad.

Person on the street: Crunk'd city

Street: So did you go to Penn? Kevin Kearney: I did go to Penn. Street: How long have you owned the bar for? KK: About three years. Street: What made you want to be a bar owner? KK: I didn't feel like being a teacher. Street: What do you think of the kids that come through here? KK: I think they're great. Street: Who are your favorites? KK: USP kids. Street: Really?

Word on the street: My Identity crisis

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Is there a beautiful/handsome face staring back at you?

Peggy Curchack: "I'm not god"

Street: So what is it that you say you "do" in the Career Services department? Peggy Curchack: Overall, what Career Services does is provide career advice to everyone from freshmen to the grave. Street: When students come in and their ambitions are a little outrageous, what's going through your head? PC: A couple of things actually.

Debauchery in the city

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf indeed? Well, one may think, "Hey, I'm not!" from looking at the small stage of the Walnut Street Theater located between 8th and Walnut.
More articles by Jennifer Lopes