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Irma Kiss


The Handbag Hunt

What does Locust's most coveted accessory say about you?

Digital Dispatches In The City of Love

Mapping the Paris Metro, Station to Station.

Review from Abroad: The Backdoor into Art Basel

Street sneaks into the world’s most exclusive art fair.

Love and Longing in ‘Modigliani Up Close’

A landmark retrospective at the Barnes Foundation traces Modigliani’s debts to memory.

The WALK's 27L is a Soaring Success

The student magazine's fashion fundraiser—a collab with Castle—offers a window into Philly's budding fashion scene.

The Nose Knows

At the ICA, Sissel Tolaas plays with the sense of smell.

‘A Queen in Bucks County’ Delivers Erotica via SEPTA

The sexier the better in Kay Gabriel's buzzy, boozy collection—and what's sexier than economic revolution?

Mark Gibson's Cartoon-Inspired Illustrations Confront Injustice

A chat with the Guggenheim–winning artist and Temple professor 

Jennifer Egan Talks Career, Craft, and Culture

The Pulitzer Prize–winning author returns to Penn with her sixth novel … and some much–needed advice.

Rodin’s Little Miracles

The famed French artist’s boundless sense of wonder, seen through his hand sculptures

What’s in a Joke? Jean–Michel Rabaté Makes the Case for Laughter

In 'Rires Prodigues: Rire et Jouissance chez Marx, Freud et Kafka," the english professor smiles at the end of the world.

Escape the Cold with these Cozy Compositions

Check out our favorite seasonal art picks in the Philly area.

Meet Luca Fontes: A Photographer Who's Queering the Fine Art Canon

Artist Spotlight | How this fine arts major is queering the photographic canon

We Can Still Hear the Echoes of 'Woman Hollering Creek'

Revisiting Sandra Cisneros’s iconic short story collection on its 30th anniversary

Amanda Ba Embraces the Call of the Wild

The London–based artist’s paintings are fighting tooth and claw to be seen.

The Barnes Foundation’s Retrospective of Suzanne Valadon is a Triumph of the Female Gaze

Inside the model, painter, and rebel's subversive career
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