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Emily Hason


Penn Student Bartenders Shake Things Up

Upgrade your Thursday night cocktail

Brian Koppelman, Screenwriter, on Why “There Should Not Be Such Thing as a Screenwriter”

How making it as a screenwriter is a lesson for us all.

Clarkville: Where Pizza and Brunch Are Tryna Fuq.

You might be down to join this kind of three-some.

​Kanye West and "The Life of Pablo"

Serious question though: who the fuck is Pablo?

​4 Ways to Become More Involved with Film at Penn

"Do as I say, not as I do." - Your lazy writer, Emily

A Lazy Kid’s Guide to the 24th Philadelphia Film Festival

Cannes films, classics, and some bold new films to check out near you.

Your Week in Film (10.15)

Like you on quaker days: pretending to be knowledgable and/or cultured, but with even more name dropping.

Film & TV's Guide to Movies for Homework

"It's like the ever trustworthy Penn Course Review, but not at all trustworthy nor like Penn Course Review."

Mise-en-Sceney: A Film Guide to Penn Life

Speaking of sceney, this account–ironically–has 0 followers.

A Practical Guide to Netflix and Chill

Next time you send or receive that borderline creepy 2AM text message, be properly prepared with the newest and most appropriate Netflix options for your most inappropriate endeavors.

Your Week in Film & TV (09.03.15)

"I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, but Wharton kids, it’s syllabus week: don’t pretend like you have better things to do.” – Kanye West, approximately
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