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Eillie Anzilotti


Spotlight: 9 Perspectives on a Photography Collection

A taste of Penn’s elusive photography collection is on view at the Arthur Ross Gallery.

Get Your Grandpa Style On

It’s fall, and there’s no season that better suits our aspirations of dressing like a dapper aging gentleman.

A Global Phenomenon

A brief overview of other cities’ efforts to repurpose transportation arteries

Up in the Air and Beneath the Ground

Will the future of the Reading Railroad mobilize visions for a new Philadelphia?

New On the Scene: ICA Director Amy Sadao

On her 11th day on the job, the new director of the Institute of Contemporary Art sat down with Street to talk art, music and everything contemporary.

Top 5 Philly Fringe Theater Events

The annual Fringe Festival offers a cure that your inner theater–lover cannot afford to miss.

Gallery Review: here.

Let’s face it — here in Philly, we have a bit of a complex.
More articles by Eillie Anzilotti