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Caroline Riise


We Tried The 10 Best Pastries At Lipkin’s Bakery

Spoiler: They were all worth the sugar coma. 

Ego of the Week: Nick Hunsicker

Meet the HBIC of Penn's performing arts community. 

Penn 10: Jacqueline Valeri

She's been at Penn for four years and already has one graduate degree. But this bioengineer and Penn Band clarinet aficionado is doubling down and heading to MIT after graduation, because not even her struggle with Lyme disease could stop her.

Penn's Own Amelia Earhart: Geeta Minocha

Between working on the Penn Political Review and combatting human trafficking, this Wharton junior just loves to fly.

Helping Troy Harris Heal His Son, His Family, and His Community

Beloved Hillel cook is finding hope for the future after his son was shot.

JMHH Awards: Students Breaking Wharton Stereotypes

Wharton Wellness' March campaign, the Just Making Happiness Happen Awards, focuses on gratitude.

One Summer at Band Camp: Married Couples Who Met in Penn Band

Penn Band members have been catching feelings for each other for generations.

Finding Faith at Penn: The Newman Center

Members of Penn’s Catholic community speak to challenges and highlights of being religious in college.

Penn Students Share What It Means to March For Their Lives in DC

A group of Penn students traveled to D.C. last Saturday to demand stricter gun laws. These are the reasons why they marched. 

Striking the Right (Dis)chord: Twenty Years of A Cappella

Members of the a cappella group discuss their upcoming anniversary show.

Food For Thought: Spotlight on Student Chef Rachel Prokupek

She went to culinary school in France and helped develop a restaurant in Uganda. And did we mention she's only a sophomore?

Teachers That Inspire: Best Classroom Communities at Penn

Nominated by their students, here are 5 teachers who do their job right. 

Student Fitness Trainers at Penn: Not Your Average Workout Buddies

Student fitness trainers prove that yes, you do have time to hit the gym.

Young Love: Jordy and Maribel's Freshman Love Story

Chivalry is NOT dead. 

On Valentine's Day, Bathrooms, and Community: Penn Non–Cis' Brennan Burns

Penn Non-Cis' financial chair discusses the club's growth and future.

Inside Hill’s Facelift

Are residents happier with the post–reno dorm?

Meet the Greys: New College House's Live–In Family

They deserve a sitcom. 

Ego Of The Week: Madeline Leonard

Taking a break with the head of Alternative Spring Breaks. 

Penn Club Spotlight: Wharton Latino

One of Penn's biggest clubs is redefining Penn club culture.
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