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Alex Hosenball


Album Review: Singles

"Singles:" Future Islands Future Islands’ new album, “Singles,” is a perfect demonstration of how a band can grow over time, yet simultaneously remain static.

Take A Walk: Chinatown

Philly’s Chinatown is a great destination no matter the time of day, but many of its delights stay open long into the evening.

Contrapasta: Food and Drink Weighs In On New Sriracha Sauce Factory Coming to Philly

Arts has Contrapposto, now Food & Drink's taking a stance.

From the Middle Kingdom to the Mid-Atlantic

For Chinese students, a Penn education can be the stepping stone to a global identity—and a potentially life-changing choice.

Review: "Small Sound"—Tennis

Tennis, like its namesake game, is easy to follow. Any release by the gentle pop group tends to hinge upon relatively simple vocal harmonies and twee lyrics marred by a twinge of longing.

B–Roll: Wes Anderson, Puppet Auteur

We get it, Wes Anderson, you’re quirky. Your movies have a distinctive style. You pull talent from both the most obscure and most recognizable places and you’re a sucker for chase scenes set to wacky music.

You Have to Listen to This: Surfer Blood

It’s winter of 2009. Billy Mays has died, Penn 2014 is about to finish high school and Ed, Edd and Eddy is off the air.


Absolute decay is both physical and moral. Taking us through each remaining character's rapid disintegration, “Granite State” emphasized this above all else.

Word on the Street: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Swipe Right

Tap photo: mutual friends, mutual interests—swipe right. Tap photo: no friends, no interests—swipe left.


My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!


Don't expect everyone to have an A1 day once this cliffhanger is resolved.


Dealing with last week's revelations, Walt must decide what to do with Old Yeller. Should he resort to a half or full measure?

Music Video Wednesday: City Rain-"The Optimist"

City Rain wants to know: is there an optimist in you? Last week, Philadelphia native Ben Runyan released the video for his new single as City Rain, "The Optimist," following shorty after the electronic duo's last effort, 2012's "Montage" EP.

David Bowie—“The Next Day”

David Bowie’s  “The Next Day” has proven problematic to discuss. With so much esteem for the album floating around already, the words do not come easily.

EXCLUSIVE One Track Mind: kechPhrase — "Anything"

Fresh from his interview on Thursday, kechPhrase has linked Street with one of his new tracks, "Anything," featuring producer Kool AD (formerly of Das Racist). Not only does kech utilize his guest stars to their fullest ability, his deftly weaves his own words into a paradoxically staccato flow — but one that works.

David Bowie — "Where Are We Now?"

Bowie is back, bros.

Mash-Up of the Week: Aesop Rock vs. This Too Shall Pass

Whenever I watch Lord of the Rings, all I can do fidget anxiously until Ian McKellan gets on screen and starts denying everyone their passage.

Nights Out Mics Out

Ready to make a fool of yourself sooner? Check out some of Philadelphia’s other Open Mic spots below.

Penn Raps

But maybe it shouldn't.

Marvelous Surroundings

Make your trip to The Marvelous a full–on adventure by stopping by some of Philly’s most diverse locations.
More articles by Alex Hosenball