Is to just listen to me. I mean, I know I'm only a mouth, but I have some serious life experience. We've vomited together, we've whistled many a tune and remember that time we ate all those Tostitos?
Breaking News
17-year-old Canadian Student Bludgeoned to Death Over Registration Mishap
PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The body of freshman engineering student Jean-Claude DuPont was found in the UPS trailer by the historic Quadrangle this morning.
A tradition here at 34th Street that reminds you to keep your Facebook profile private. Just hope that this is
the last time you find yourself in the back of the magazine.
For 30 minutes you have been waiting in your 4th floor Harnwell room. You sit there, stupidly, unaware of the harrowing crisis taking place right outside your room.
To the Smokes bouncer in Castle: You're lucky you work in the dark because otherwise everyone would see the glare from your bald spot.
To my a cappella group: Please stop getting drunk and making out with each other.
To UTV: Your ugly set and deafening sound make our eyes and ears bleed simultaneously. Please stop punishing us all for the failures of Penn athletics.
Worst Place to End it All:
Trader Joe's
So, you've finally had enough of this cruel world. Life is nothing but painful and meaningless, and your dark thoughts are getting the better of you.
Next to the system that ensures that more than half of all Wharton students successfully cheat on all their assignments, the Van Pelt stealing system is the biggest, most complex system that violates school policy.
The birthplace of history. The wet nurse of Western culture. While we'll never know for sure, it's safe to say that early religious leaders probably meant the Balkans when they talked about the "promised land."
Who doesn't harbor some instinctual urge to travel to the Balkans - to swim upstream, to stand where our ancestors stood, to roll in the grasses that they once rolled in?
What if during those moments late on Friday night, after the 40s, after the blunts, after the tequila shots - at the moments when you enter into the "blackout stage"- two completely sober men with clipboards showed up and asked you to perform a number of tasks while they observed and took down notes.
1. When you suddenly get the urge to go hang out at Woody's.
2. When you flirt with your girlfriend and you make fun of her as a joke, because you really don't care about her feelings.
People often take their dogs to dog parks so that they can get their pets to interact with others. In the month of February, our very own student council does the same thing.