Dear Couples,
I get it. And if I were in your position I would probably be behaving the same way, but I’m not, which is the whole point of this bitter diatribe.
Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day, you little suffragettes! Like most of you, Highbrow’s been ignoring the Hallmark holiday of Valentine’s Day and focusing on things that MATTER.
5:45 a.m.: Shut off alarm. I must value the sacred American tradition of late sleeping.
6:37 a.m.: Awake from a glorious dream of prancing in blue ivy.
Rush may be over, lovelies, but don’t get too comfortable, Highbrow is here to entertain and amuse with all of your crazy stories—pledging or otherwise.
Blackboard sucks. Let’s just get it out in the open. I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it. But, still, I like to think of myself as a Blackboard connoisseur.