Channing Tatum is trying his hand at the period–piece in his new film, The Eagle. Street spoke with Tatum about the unique challenges of playing a legendary warrior, hide–and–seek and filming in the cold.
Street: What did you do to get ready for the movie?
Channing Tatum: I was obviously going to have to ride horses and fight with swords and stuff, but I had at least a little experience in both of those areas.
Street takes a look at some of the Sundance selections coming soon to a theater near you, because you wouldn’t want to be the last to catch the next Little Miss Sunshine or The Kids are Alright.
Gossip Girl Leighton Meester is branching out this year with high–profile roles in Country Strong and The Roommate. Meester took time out of her busy schedule to chat with Street on the latter film, discussing mental illness, roommates and your favorite guilty pleasure TV show.
Street: What was it like trying to play the villain in your first thriller?
Leighton Meester: It’s funny — I saw the movie with a couple of my friends, and they were asking me, “how did you like it?”, and I was saying “it’s scary.” I was genuinely scared at points, but it is sort of funny that I’m what’s scary in the movie.
In honor of The Mechanic’s poster (check out our review of the movie), Street offers up some of its picks for the most striking, visually effective movie posters of recent and bygone years.
Considering they make a living by murdering mafiosos and cutting down crime lords, it’s surprising that most Hollywood hit men are such good family members.