With the recent re–release of Titanic in 3D, it seemed high time to take a look at another one of Leo DiCaprio’s teen–heartthrob vehicles to see if the 90s classic aged better than he has.
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, directed by Baz Luhrmann, moves the famous tale from Verona to a modern city, circa 1996.
Best way to be your own Indiana Jones:
Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles
April 27
6:00–9:30 p.m.
309 Cherry St.
The Toynbee Tiles are a remarkable phenomenon, particularly within Philadelphia.
It’s Fling, which — depending on how self–destructive you are — has already been sort of raging for a week or so. In celebration, we decided to torture ourselves with one of the worst films ever made: Tommy Wiseau’s The Room! We played our game — the rules are below — and you can too.
We all love the story of the plump, orange creature who speaks for the trees, and I am sorry to say that our little mustached friend from childhood will not join Simba, Woody, or the squeaky yellow minions as one of our favorite animated heroes.
With Mirror, Mirror and Wrath of the Titans both being released this week, Street decided to take a look back at some of the most (in)famous remakes of the past couple of decades.