This is nothing new. For over a decade now—this summer and its lineup being the most recent and obvious example—critics, professionals and amateurs alike have locked their hawk–eyed gazes on the biggest fad in Hollywood.
While it may be hard for us to process the fact that professors have lives outside of their chosen fields of expertise, such is the case. Here are their picks for best upcoming films and TV shows. Do with them as you wish.
Both a "Pride and Prejudice" adaptation and parody of the fad surrounding the book’s legacy, "Austenland" is about a lovesick, Mr. Darcy-obsessed young woman (Keri Russell) who travels to a British theme park that simulates a fantasy of life in Regency England – complete with a love triangle with a handsome misanthrope and a rakish stable boy.
Plenty of Penn students toil away their summers in New York and D.C. — here are a few scene–stealers who headed out West to make their marks in the entertainment industry.
We ambushed some of your peers on Locust, and here are there picks for the best movies of the summer. You know, in case you were too busy doing shit to get cultured like these kids.
Don is nice? Maggie's life gets even worse, Jim finds new blonde hair to pine for and Occupy Wall Street starts to look like a thing. Oh—and Will makes drone strikes all about his problems.
From the highly anticipated "Only God Forgives" to James Franco's adaptation of WIlliam Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying," we critique some of the buzziest films of the festival.
A wisp of feminism re-enters the scene, as "Mad Men's" women contend with the shadows of their accomplishments. And, ketchup is still confused with catsup.