If you’re interested in seeing tons of fake blood on a day that’s not Halloween, you should check out “Cheap Thrills.” For anyone else, this film is simply not worth it.
Craig (Pat Healy) is a new father who is down on his luck.
It’s no surprise that the latest interpretation of Stephen King’s “Carrie” comes after a summer of superhero flicks like “Man of Steel” and “The Wolverine.” Carrie White (Chloë Grace Moretz), who spends most of the movie developing her psychic powers while being ostracized by the popular high school crowd, could very well be the newest member of the X–men.
After “The Great Gatsby” came out last year, I found myself frequently associating the words “young” and “beautiful” with Lana Del Rey’s renowned single in addition to Gatsby and Daisy’s love story.
In the opening moments of “Before Snowfall,” a sixteen–year–old boy is wrapped in plastic and tossed into a fuel can in order to evade border security.
“The Fall” is a psychological crime drama series from the UK. Instead of being just another season–long whodunit, “The Fall” flips convention on its head and reveals the murderer in the very first episode.
We get it, Wes Anderson, you’re quirky. Your movies have a distinctive style. You pull talent from both the most obscure and most recognizable places and you’re a sucker for chase scenes set to wacky music.
A black man with a gun robs the local bank in a small Minnesota town. Shortly after, the cops also find a black man, covered in dirt, walking along the side of the road.
If you like: “Scandal”
Take: Intro to Political Communications (COMM 226) with Dr. Jamieson
About Scandal: “Scandal” is a political thriller about Olivia Pope and her team of associates who tackle different scandals on behalf of Washington’s elite.
“A.C.O.D.” stands for adult child of divorce. If you hate marriage or are a child of divorce this might be a good movie for you, but my guess is, regardless of who you are, it will probably still be extremely mediocre.
The movie focuses on Carter (Adam Scott), a seemingly well–adjusted adult who is still dealing with his parents’ fifteen–year old divorce.
The trailer for “The Monuments Men” was released this week and gives us a glimpse of an interesting angle on World War II.
What We Love: George Clooney wrote, directed and starred in this movie, and since we love George Clooney we will have to give it a shot.
Stuart Connelly is the writer and director of the new movie “The Suspect.” Connelly is a local filmmaker, and “The Suspect” is his first feature film. It will be competing for two awards at the upcoming Philadelphia Film Festival. Connelly took a moment to chat with Street about his exciting project.
“The Fifth Estate” follows the rise to prominence and popularity of the WikiLeaks website and founder, Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch), over a five–year period, culminating in the website’s biggest leak: Iraq and Afghan War diaries and government cables.