It breaks my heart to have to say this, but Freddie Prinze Jr. turned 30 this month. That's right, kids, the guy whose boy-next-door charm made She's All That watchable has hit the big 3-0 ... and he's had one hell of a ride.
At first glance, nothing seems to be appealing about the new horror film Slither. In typical horror movie fashion, giant red slugs chase hapless South Carolina bumpkins up and down farm houses, through bathtubs, and other charming facets of small-town America.
There is absolutely no room in 2006 for Sharon Stone's 48-year-old breasts.
Since Basic Instinct 2 sports scarcely any other images -- excepting car crashes and endlessly-recurring exteriors of large phallic buildings which can all be read as metaphors for Sharon Stone's breasts -- I am going to venture that there is no room in 2006 for Basic Instinct 2.
A sad attempt to revive the '80s/'90s sex thriller genre, Basic Instinct 2 suffers from severe temporal confusion.
On spring break, somebody suckered me into sharing a bed with a bronchitis-ridden travel partner and, as you might guess, I started feeling the symptoms a few days into the trip.
For the alpha male, nothing is more appealing than a perpetually inebriated blonde who's drunker than a Mississippi sheriff and looser than a Playboy Bunny.
Street sits down for a round table interview with She's The Man stars Amanda Bynes, Robert Hoffman, Laura Ramsey and Channing Tatum.
Any hookups on the set?
Jason Reitman's Thank You for Smoking depicts the plight of Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart), a propaganda-spouting cigarette industry mogul whose dubious business ethics haunt his tender relationship with his 12-year-old son.
Did you know that nuclear weapons are bad? No, really -- not only do they kill innocent people, but they also mutate people who then go on to kill other innocent people.
If you loved Night Watch two years ago, you're in for a treat with Night Watch 2. This Russian sci-fi/thriller/fantasy/action flick will surely knock your socks off... if you don't pass out from all the gory blood-stained battles first.
Street recently met up with actor Paul Walker and director Wayne Kramer to interview them roundtable style about their new movie, Running Scared.
Street: The film, Running Scared, is quite violent.