Gray Davis, Recalled Governor of California -- The public relations nightmare that came about after the RIAA sued a twelve-year-old girl forced the Industry to refine their suing strategy.
Dave Navarro once said that going solo is the kiss of death. Then he went solo. Now he's playing guitar for Christina Aguilera at the MTV Video Music Awards.
Jack Black sat down with Street earlier this month at the Four Seasons to discuss his new movie, School of Rock, working with kids and his musical career.
Director Peter Hedges and Actor Oliver Platt sat down at the Four Seasons to discuss their new film, Pieces of April, starring Katie Holmes.
Street: Peter, what was it like directing a film for the first time?
Peter Hedges: I'm so pleased with how the movie turned out and everyone who worked on the movie.
Aaron Lewis may be a moping and MTV-friendly Fred Durst suck-up, but his band isn't half bad live. On Saturday, Staind and Sevendust kicked off the first day of their tour with a sonic flurry of rock proportions.
As Sevendust's Thundercats-esque red and black flag descended, testosterone coursed madly through the audience's veins.
Regular Guys is an intelligent, interesting and entertaining German film. Although intensely boring, it's a fantastic movie if you watch it in well spread-out 15 minute chunks.
With the release of You Forgot It In People, Broken Social Scene was catapulted from an unknown Canadian band to one of the most talked about groups in indie rock.
I've admitted it before, and I'll admit it again: I love MTV's reality shows. Real World, Road Rules, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, Fraternity Life, Sorority Life, True Life, The Osbournes, Newlyweds. They're all masterpieces, Shakespearean in their comedy, tragedy and poetry.
Ah, the memories... I remember my first step into punk when I heard MXPX covering "Summer of '69." I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Since then, I have ditched Christian pop-punk, and so has MXPX on their new LP, Before Everything and After. That may not be a good thing in their case.
Nicholas Payton gets more ass than Wilt Chamberlain -- on one of his better days. And it's not as though this classically trained trumpet player is keeping it a secret.