The Comedian: The Comedian is one of the only superheroes allowed to continue his work after the Keene Act, the government’s ban of masked crusaders, is passed.
“If you are great, El Topo is a great film. If you are limited, El Topo is limited,” director Alejandro Jodorowsky said of his epic spaghetti-western, whose wide-scale distribution is owed largely to the efforts of John Lennon.
Cherry blossoms are traditionally known for their brevity. They bloom during one season and make audiences wait another year for the pleasure of their company.
In the tradition of major concept albums of years past, Squeak E. Clean and DJ Zegon of N.A.S.A. (that is, North America South America) have constructed The Spirit of Apollo, which focuses on the transcendent theme of unity through music.
Hell, yeah!
The Best Picture is awarded to the movie that has mastered all of the individual elements of film-making — musical score, direction, casting, script, acting and more — making them work together to produce a real piece of motion picture art.
Despite wandering into Explosions in the Sky’s territory, the epic (post-rock) fail that is Sagarmatha won’t land the A-Cast a spot on the Friday Night Lights soundtrack anytime soon.
Looks like bank failure isn't the only thing to worry about in the financial world. In The International, one of the world's most successful banks gets its dough from the small arms trade, prompting Interpol agent Clive Owen, doing his normal shtick as the rugged, intense hero, and Manhattan ADA Naomi Watts, foregoing her natural Aussie accent, to go after the bad guys (do the filmmakers really expect us to think that forces from completely different jurisdictions would work so well together?).
Thankfully, for the first time in recent movie history, our two leads do not hook up, but they do kick some serious ass.
The critical darling of last year’s Cannes Film Festival, The Class snuck in under the radar and screened on the last night of the competition, surprising many and deservedly taking home the illustrious Palme d’Or.
Director Stanley Donen is remembered, when he’s remembered, for films like Singing in the Rain and Arabesque, big-budget musicals designed to be instantaneous crowd pleasers.
It’s tough to think of people other than your love du jour over Valentine's Day. But if you prefer the Peace Corp to petunias, check out this week’s selections from the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.