We all love the story of the plump, orange creature who speaks for the trees, and I am sorry to say that our little mustached friend from childhood will not join Simba, Woody, or the squeaky yellow minions as one of our favorite animated heroes.
Bear in Heaven – I Love You, It’s Cool
For a band that has chosen such a pointedly nonchalant title for their latest album, the Brooklyn-based Bear in Heaven offers up some pretty earnest electro rock.
Name and Year: Lyndsey Wheeler, C’14
Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Major: International Relations, Journalistic Writing minor
Medium of Choice: Anything that can be made into jewelry
Website: www.flickr.com/photos/designsbylyndsey
Street: When did you start making jewelry?
With Mirror, Mirror and Wrath of the Titans both being released this week, Street decided to take a look back at some of the most (in)famous remakes of the past couple of decades.
[liveblog]The Swedish electronic–pop trio Miike Snow creates music that camps out in your ears longer than caffeinated undergrads on the walk for Tiesto.