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Photo Galley | Miles Teller Look Alike Contest

After days of rain, wind, and cold, the lookalike craze found its way to Philadelphia on an overcast afternoon. Hundreds flooded the park to watch 22 Miles Teller lookalikes duke it out for the title, including 34th Street's very own Music Editor, Nishanth Bhargava (C ‘27). With five judges ranking the cheers erupting from the crowd, the top three winners were awarded with medals and an Angelo's cheesesteak. Photos by Chenyao Liu.

Oh The Places We’ve Been!

Around the world through the multimedia department’s lenses document.location = "https://www.34st.com/article/2024/08/summer-abroad-photo-essay-mountains-66ce8cba488e7"

In Photos: The Revelries of Spring Fling

In anticipation of the Spring Fling Concert this Friday, April 19th, 34th Street dug into our photo archives to document the revelries of spring. From snapshots of past students old enough to be your boss at Goldman this summer to some of our favorite modern–era performers, Street chronicles Penn’s most iconic Flings in our retrospective photo essay.  document.location = "https://www.34st.com/article/2024/04/spring-fling-goldman-franklin-field-penn-park-revelries"

In Photos: A Birds-Eye-View of Penn

Penn’s campus is crawling with hunched–over college students, eyes glued to their screens or admiring their brand–new Adidas Sambas. Let’s look at the big picture: you’re just one small person in a big, big world—or in this case, a big, big university. So, once in a while, look up! You might just spot a weird photographer taking your photo, or perhaps you'll just see life from new heights. document.location = "https://www.34st.com/article/2024/04/penn-campus-birds-eye-view-students-in-photos"

Sick of Seeing Green

Street dives into the rich stories behind the rainbow of international currency. document.location = "https://www.34st.com/article/2024/03/money-penn-international-apple-pay-south-korean-won"

Marcus Tappan