There’s no more time to get your grades up with extra credit, or by doing super well on the reading quiz. The time has come for drastic action to salvage your final grade, and we’re here to help. Here are six gift ideas for your TA in order from least subtle to super least subtle.

  1. A mug with the words “World’s Best Student” on it to send a ~subtle message~.
  2. A homemade video about how much your TA means to you as an individual, not because of their grading policies.
  3. A Starbucks gift card given BEFORE your participation grade is submitted .
  4. A homemade video about how much your TA means to you as an individual, not because of their grading policies, interspersed with half–second clips of your name next to a graphic of an  “A,” to send a subliminal message.
  5. A flaming course evaluation on PennInTouch.
  6. A sex doll with your face on it.