Tunmise is not the only woman who feels the unique weight of what it means to be a woman of color in a leadership position here at Penn.
Nya was immediately aware of the divide within her sorority, and she spearheaded a movement for dialogue. “You grow up around people who look like you and act like you and you never talk about it because if you're the only black person in a primarily white space you’re never gonna talk about it, and you’re never gonna talk about being white because no one talks about being white,” Nya continued. “I can understand why people don't think about being a minority or think about existing in a diverse community because if everybody looks like you, you never have to, and I’m really happy that I did it.”
The Dance Arts Council is a subunit of the Performing Arts Council, where Ramita began to further explore how to implement healthy dialogue. “On PAC, we do chair chats, so we made those a little more about topics that affect different types of people. So we did one on socioeconomic status, and financial burdens of groups, and about race and diversity in the arts, and about mental health, and we did PAVE training, and then brought all of that stuff back to Arts House… it gave me a way to talk about diversity.”
Both Nya and Ramita make implementing dialogue about diversity look easy, but obviously it’s not that simple—neither for them, nor for many others on campus. And in some spaces especially, creating that awareness barely feels possible.
For senior Stephanie Hodges, another co–director of SPEC-TRUM and primary drummer in African Rhythms, representing her identity is always paramount to her role. (Hodges is also the co-host of "In the Cut," a podcast produced by The Daily Pennsylvanian.) “Something that I think is super important is having women of color in leadership positions, and even just representation is really important. For example, with our last [SPEC-TRUM] show we were thinking of people to perform, and I was like we need to have a woman of color in our show, so I reached out to this DJ from Brooklyn to have her open up for Young Thug, and she was amazing.” As a leader whose primary goal is to create spaces that feel inclusive to undergraduate minorities, she is always aware of finding ways to make this message clear to other women, and students in general, of color. “Just uplifting them and making sure they feel like they can lead is super important.”
Ramita, too, has found pathways to empowerment even through the more difficult parts of being a leader in her area. “I think that DAC... really did change my whole perspective on women in leadership,” She told me, “Just because it’s a really thankless job... and a lot of women do thankless jobs, all the time.” She’s not wrong, and it is time that we start doing some thanking.
It seems like these women are forever branching out and pushing new boundaries, but even strong natural leaders get wary sometimes too. At the end of the day, everyone needs a support system to return to. “If I could tell my freshman self something, I would just be like, don’t be afraid,” Stephanie Hodges added, “The black community is always gonna be here for you at college… don’t lose sight of your home, because you can always come back.”
Joyce Hu echoed the importance of finding a home in the people here. “I think honestly, find a good group of people,” she added at the end of our conversation. “Find at least one or two friends that will support you. Like no matter what race they are. Because I’ve found that it can get lonely here, and knowing you have friends, at least that gives you one less stressor, and then you can do your job.” Having a safe spot and a group to lean on at a place like Penn is important for every single person at this university, leaders and followers alike.
“I think I’ve really been able to lead by just being me, and showing that regardless of what you might’ve thought a woman in leadership looked liked, or a woman of color in leadership looked like, this is how I lead,” Olivia concluded.
Though being a woman of color in leadership here is by no means simple or easy, it can also be one of the most powerful and unifying roles on our campus. “The reason that I joined Theta was because I felt like there was a huge gap between the white community and the black community on campus, and over the past four years I’ve become a bridge between those communities,” Nya contributed. “I think my position on campus as a woman of color and a leader on campus is to bridge that gap.” She continued, “Something I had to realize as a woman of color [was] that I couldn’t just represent myself as a black woman from the south side of Chicago, I also had to speak up for all women of color to be leaders on campus.”
"Stand up for yourself," Ramita advised, "Be humble enough to recognize when you are wrong, but have confidence in the work you produce and lead with pride... stand up for yourself so that no one makes you feel unrecognized or unappreciated," She continued, "Bring your experiences as a women of color into every space you're in —- listen to people whose voices may not be the loudest, be compassionate to people's needs and experiences, and build dialogues that will make all people understand that the issues that we face as a society may affect students we know every day."
Olivia too, spoke to the need to stay alert and empowered. “I’d say, I know sometimes easier said than done, but one, go for it, and two, speak your mind. I think especially as I’ve expressed, there’ve been a couple times where I’ve felt almost like I should’ve been suppressed, or people would’ve rathered me not speak up… and it might sound dramatic, but something I always think of is my parents are immigrants, my whole family is from Jamaica, and my parents did not come here for me to not speak my mind and not stand up for what I believe in… I think a lot of times we as students don’t recognize how powerful we are.”
“At the end of the day, it’s really not about me. It’s just about hopefully being an example for future generations of women of color to really see, especially on this campus… you can still make change and be a kickass student leader,” Olivia concluded, “Don’t be discouraged and look at other women of color who are doing amazing things and being amazing leaders and just realize that you can do just as much if not more.”