Everyone says to be happy with the skin you're born in… or the skin you split your soul in to become immortal. But not everyone has that luxury. It took me a while to be comfortable with who I am. It wasn’t until Dr. Goldfarb entered my life that I found my true outer and inner beauty. Here’s my story. I hope you’ll listen.
It’s one thing to be born a half–blood. It’s another to have a half–face. Growing up, I loved to kill people, but this hobby only brought out my ugly side. My friends tried to get me to reach a point of self–love, but it was easy for them to love themselves with their beautiful, protruding schnozes. Every time I looked in a mirror, I hated what I saw. When would my reflection show who I am inside?
I finally took it upon myself to get a consultation with Dr. Goldfarb. He looked at my deviated septum and told me what I had been waiting years to hear: I was fixable. We examined a couple of options and finally agreed on a petite #34 — cute, stylish, everything the nose of a Dark Lord should be. It felt just like ordering Chinese food. God, I love Chinese food.
It’s been a week since I got the surgery. I’m taking it day by day. I don’t have many people coming to visit me. That’s okay, though. I finally have the most important person here with me: myself.