I feel a little sanctimonious every year at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Sure, I drink wine with my mum as she does unappetizing things to the turkey. I chop onions, watch the squash roasting in the oven and usually bake the apple cake. I set the table so my brothers and dad can enjoy the televised sports game and force my family to go around the table and say things that they’re thankful for to their great annoyance and hangriness (hungry anger). But I still feel guilty. Not because of syphilis blankets or genocide—though those would be great reasons—but because I’m always “too busy” to actually show how thankful I am that I’m never without food, a home to spend the holiday in or a family to spend it with. Even though I go to school in a city where a whopping 22 percent of residents are food insecure.
Grab a bagel at Schmear It
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Bethesda Project, which “provides shelter, housing and programs reaching out to chronically homeless men and women.” Click here for the truck's menu and daily location. Or just go to the new permanent location on campus!
Where: 3601 Market Street
When: Until November 16th
SWIPE Out Hunger with your Penncard
This campus organization works to combat food insecurity by offering Penn students the opportunity to donate up to five of their unused meal swipes. These donations directly benefit the one in seven college students in the United States who suffer from food insecurity. Why squander your meal swipes when you can use them to keep your halo shiny? And if you’re not on a meal plan, you can donate anyway by following this link.
Where: 1920 Commons
When: Wednesday November 16th, 12–6 p.m.
Buy a cupcake in Huntsman
Spoon University UPenn and SWIPE Out Hunger have partnered up to bring you baked goods. You can also sign up to bake items yourself if you're feeling extra generous.
Where: Huntsman Hall
When: Thursday November 17th, 2–4 p.m.
Go to Happy Hour at Local 44
This West Philly (read: three blocks west of Greek Lady) bar will donate $1 of every pint of special beer sold to the Bethesda Project.
Where: 4333 Locust Street
When: Thursday November 17th, 5–8 p.m.
Share theSkimm on social media
This email newsletter that gives you reader's digest version of what's going on in the world has partnered with FEED, a company that fights world hunger. Every time you share theSkimm, FEED will donate a meal to a child in need through one of its global partners.
Where: Social media
When: Until Thursday November 17th
Dine at EAT Café
This new West Philadelphia cafe is a non–profit, pay–what–you–can cafe that "nourishes, educates and unites the community in a welcoming environment." The name stands for "Everyone At the Table" and the establishment is a collaboration of the Center for Hunger–Free Communities, the Center for Hospitality and Sport Management at Drexel University, Vetri Community Partnership and the Greater West Philadelphia Community. The meals are three courses and the suggested price is $15.
Where: 3820 Lancaster Avenue
When: Wednesday–Saturday, 4:30–8 p.m.