We recreated some of the most iconic, period pieces. It's like your yearbook portrait if it were to stand the test of time: equally awkward and even more staged.

Wharton Gothic / American Gothic

Alexander Mintz ('18) & Marielle Miller ('18) / Grant Wood (1930)

A riveting social commentary on the controversial Starbucks cup.

The Venus of Bankers / The Venus of Urbino

Breanna Porter ('18) / Titian (1538)

Venus also drank out of plastic bottles.

A Bar at Smokes / A Bar at the Folies–Bergère

Edouard Manet (1882)

Both sinking and swimming.

The Scream / The Scream

Jose Toro ('18) / Edvard Munch (1893)

How many jobs have you applied to on PennLink so far? It’s ok, we’re also screaming.

The Last Supper / The Last Supper

Then he said, “Let there be pizza," and there was pizza and betches who blotted the slices.