Obviously, the baby murdering torture mill that is known as Planned Parenthood is just in it for the moola. They want the ca$h and they'll do anything for it. What's next for the infant harvesters? Lowbrow investigates what Planned Parenthood's could sell next to fund their evil clinics.
1. Autism causing vaccines made from the tears of teens
2. Kindle for fires, made entirely out of important paperwork
3. Homemade baked goods in the largest, nationwide bake sale
4. Eye balls for spooky Halloween parties harvested from random passersby
5. David Beckham H&M socks as contraception
6. Copies of Taylor Swift’s 1989, also as contraception
7. Homemade babies in the largest nationwide baby sale
8. Wigs made from the patients' hair after it falls out from stress
9. Elephants (Ed. note: These appeared in the room after these women were no longer provided services)
10. Pumpkin Spice Lattes