The Pope is coming to town, but that doesn't mean he should get to have all the fun. Instead of going into hiding this weekend, take the opportunity to explore the City of Brotherly Love with 1.5 million of your closest friends. Still not sure how to spend all that time? Lowbrow has you covered.


A bunch of highways are closing for the Pope's visit. Where do the highways go? They can't just disappear. Instead of party–hopping this weekend, go highway–hopping. Take edgy urban walks on all of Philly's major highways. All you'll need is a sturdy pair of walking shoes and your selfie stick of choice. It's a real life version of Frogger! But you win every time.

Crowd surfing

Papal Mass can be a rock concert if you want it to be. Now's your chance to fulfill your childhood dreams of becoming a rockstar. When the whole crowd lifts their arms in prayer, take a leap of faith into crowd and hope to God all those days skipping Bible school pay off.

Learn Latin

There's nothing quite like learning a dead language. Pull out a dictionary and translate everything into Latin in real time. Before long you'll be functionally bilingual—or at least know a couple phrases to get you through the week. Start by reciting every single Latin word you know. Harry Potter gave you a solid foundation for this—Draco. Dumbledore. Voldemort. Magna. Summa. Cum Laude. E Pluribus Unum. Carpe Diem. Quid Pro Quo. Dolores Umbridge. Expecto Patronum. Severus Snape. Avada Kedavra! You're basically fluent already.

Start a Cult

1.5 million people = the perfect prospective members of your very own cult. Now is the time, Philly is the place. Turn out stories about your own greatness—like that time you walked on water and ate 4,000 gummy bears in one minute. Before long, you'll have at least a couple followers.