FIERCE 125: How to Walk
Walking is really, really hard. You never know when a flying hot dog or stray wrecking ball will come out of nowhere and bite you in the ass. And East Coast weather can be so unpredictable. It's bad enough that you have to worry about bumps, potholes and other trippy things when you walk. Factor in forecasts of hurricanes and hamburgers and walking down Locust without experiencing PTSD becomes next to impossible.
We'll learn how to strut out stuff, fight our demons and look fiercely flawsome while doing so. And smize!
NORAGRETS 420: Freshman Post–Orientation
Come one, come all, freshpenn. This survey course will cover all the things you'll try in your first seconds at Penn. Snorting smarties. Shotgunning hand sanitizer. Taking selfies with squirrels. Getting tattoos of your Wawa receipts. Summoning Benjamin Franklin from the dead. Beezin'. Teaching your breasts how to tell when it's raining. Killing your bitch RA. In this class, nothing is off limits.
JUSTGIRLYTHINGS 143: How to Get Away with Murder
You ever taken an Instagram or Snapchat with your betches and think, "wow, I could, like, totally strangle all of you right now"? If so, this class was made for you. We'll reveal useful life hacks, like how to make your own pumpkin spice latte, come up with the cutest photo captions and dispose of a body. Orange jumpsuits are so in (hello, have you seen Orange is the New Black?) and being a boss ass bitch never goes out of style. So grab a shovel, a statement lipstick and your murder weapon of choice and let's get to digging. By the time we're through, we'll make 'A' from Pretty Little Liars look like a martyr.