NSO ended two weeks ago, but we freshmen are still eating hallucinogenic dairy products and seeing visions of rainbows and fairies. Meanwhile in Upperclassmen–land, some punks from Wharton have banded together and are going through something called "On-Campus Recruiting." For a newly-minted baby quaker, OCR is disorienting, confusing and stressful. What is happening to the world?
While Whartonites are running to class dressed in their sharpest neutral outfits, we can't help but wonder: what's happening at Harvest tonight? They're also networking at Hubbub with all these so called "coffee chats." Is 'chat' is a fancy way of saying shat? Coffee shats make sense. I shat with my friends all of the time.
The real mystery is this whole resume drop. Egg drops were definitely a thing in middle school, but no resume is going to break after being dropped so why are we testing them?
It's been rumored a few members of the Freshmen class have made appearances at the career fair but all they left with was a small box of Lucky Charms and a tote from Exxon. When will the confusion end? It seems soon. Last week a woman in a suit was overheard saying "networking is so vital." She's so right. Cartoon networking is totally the new Netflix and Chill.