Photographs by Amy Chen
"The Penn bubble. It's a cozy bubble, but people often forget that this isn't anything like the real world."
Vahid Hoshmand, Engineering '16
"I would change the emphasis on grades—people care way too much about the numbers versus actually taking away something worthwhile from the class. There are so many brilliant people here who are just learning to work the system."
Kasia Jania, Wharton '16
“There should be a CrossFit closer to campus.”
Aaron Rips, College '18
“Um, I would move it to LA.”
Nathan Platnick, College '16
“I wish people at Penn were more kinky. A little experimenting never hurt nobody.”
Anonymous, College '17
"I wish Penn had more healthy, gluten-free food options instead of a constant stream of french fries and pizza. The health food choices they have in the dining hall all taste like plastic."
Humayra Kabir, Wharton '16