Day 1: 

Go out for cheeseburgers. Tell him about all your dietary restrictions and how he should be supporting you in not bathing calves in their mothers milk.

Day 2: 

Tell him how sexy he would look with those little curl things. Play with his hair every night, it’s hard to keep those curls. (Ed. Note: These are called “Payot,” you shiksa.)

Day 3: 

Add “owitz” to whatever his last name is. Ellis Island took it away from your family, why not add it to his?

Day 4: 

Speak only as Fran Drescher. Sing only as Barbara Streisand.

Day 5: 

Talk about all the kids you will have one day and how you will name all of them Joshua.

Day 6: 

Force him to come crash bar mitzvah parties with you. Dance with the pre–pubescent Jewish boys more than with him.

Day 7: 

Never text him back, blame it on Shabbas. He won’t know that’s not on a Tuesday.

Day 8: 

End every argument with “that’s what a Nazi would said.” It will make literally everyone uncomfortable.

Day 9: 

There are a ton of crazy laws in the Jew Bible that no one follows; use a couple. Don’t mix fabrics in the same piece of clothes or really strict laws about plants. There are 613 laws, the world is your oyster.

Day 10: 

Notice that he is uncircumcised. He will be gone before you can say late–in–life bris.