Dear Diary: January 18
Sammy called today. I was so excited. He asked if I was coming by the house that night and then said we were having dinner. DINNER. I know, it's so exciting. Sammy is the coolest guy. I will tell you how it goes tomorrow.
Dear Diary: January 18
I am just so excited, I can’t sleep! Sammy wanted me to meet all his friends and they are all so nice. Sammy wasn’t supposed to tell me, but we are hanging out tomorrow too. We're going to a club. I have never been to one before!!!! I hope I can dance well, but I get so nervous. Should I iron my jeans? I just don’t want to look like a jabroni. Sammy is a junior and I'm just a freshman. I bet he's been to tons of clubs.
Dear Diary: January 20
So much has happened. Me and Sammy are going to NEW YORK. We are even staying overnight. This is huge. I literally can’t even breathe when thinking about how much fun we're going to have. This is going to be the best weekend ever.
Dear Diary: January 24
Sammy is getting distant. I knew I should've ironed my jeans. WHAT CAN I DO?! I texted Sammy twice yesterday and he never said anything back. I'm losing my mind.
Dear Diary: January 26
My life is darkness. I didn’t get the bid. I’ll never be a brother now. I guess Sammy just wanted 17 other men more than me. Thanks for listening, Diary. Rush is hard.