Episode 1:
The Captain of the team, Robert, majestically returns to Gregory, the home of his old and trusted friend, Edward, treasure of the team, with an important offer: to take over the Squash team. Across campus, the former MVP, Diane Naries hooks up with Drago, the head of the intramural sports organization, and a very powerful man. Her brother, Viccery, callously plans to win Drago’s allegiance and take the Squash team back from Robert.
Episode 8:
As the Semi-Final Round of the Squash Cup approaches, the team from the Northern Boundaries (i.e. Temple Campus) and the Eastern Dragons all make plays for the next round of the cup as the UPenn Team struggles with multiple players vying for the control. Robert realizes that to keep power he must murder Viccery.
Episode 10:
Robert convinces Edward that killing Viccery is the only way they are gonna make it the regionals. Viccery however is tipped off to their plans from Drago, who has become the lap dog of Diane. Cuffing season progresses. Diane is nude a lot in this episode.
Episode 15:
The Red Semi formal. Dave and Busters has never seen so much carnage.
Episode 17:
With the loss of both her bae and her brother, Diane sees that Robert’s control of the team has lead to more harm than plenty. Diane takes it upon herself to dispose of Robert and take the team to regionals. She seduces Drago’s successor and urges him to cut the budget for the new uniforms, Robert had promised.
Episode 18:
The Gang wins regionals! An orgy ensues.