Name: Nolan Burger
Year: Senior
Major: International Relations
Location: Right forearm
Tattoo: 'Kesegofetse' is Tswana, the local native language of Botswana, for “I am blessed.” He got it in Seattle during the summer of 2012, after returning from a service program in Gaborone, the capital city of Botswana. The tattoo is an expression of common human experience and serves as a reminder of trying to live with the tension of being grateful for everything he has while still recognizing that a lot of his privilege is circumstantial. Nolan was inspired to get the tattoo by the friendships he formed with local people his age during the trip.
Parent approved?: He gave his parents a heads up before getting the tattoo. While his mom loves it, she would never tell his dad—his dad likes to pretend it’s not there.