Vintage sweatshirt

How to wear it: Hey there, double legacy! Forget about those Penn Bookstore sweatshirts that make us all look like carbon copies. Ask mom or dad for a sweatshirt from the 80s and bring some old school style to that shlumpy classroom look.

Price: A call home


Drop Ship Holloway Custom Jacket

How to wear it: With this jacket, you can be that certified jock you’ve always wanted to be. If not, at least you’ll get major boyfriend points for letting your girl wear it when she’s “chilly.”

Price: $354.98

Cutter & Buck Forest Park Half Zip

How to wear it: Wear this hand- some sweater on a brisk fall day with dark jeans. Then, strut down Locust with your head held high; all eyes will be on you.

Price: $99.98 (Online Only)


Men Silver Round Watch Bulova

How to wear it: A perfect graduation gift for any time–and fashion–conscious guy. Wear it for years to come and whine about how fast your college years flew by whenever you check the time.

Price: $149.98



League Victory Falls Triblend Long Sleeve Baseball Tee 

How to wear it: This baseball–style shirt is super soft. Roll out of bed and wear it straight to class—you’ll be comfy, but still stylish.

Price: $34.98



Alex and Ani University of Pennsylvania Logo Charm Bangle

How to wear it: These Alex and Ani bracelets are a great way to show some subtle spirit for good ol’ Penn. They also make bracelets with sorority letters and a wide variety of symbols that would make for a great collection of bangles.

Price: $32.00



Women’s Burnout Hi Low Raglan Tee 

How to wear it: This top is nothing like the average college t–shirt. Its flowing fit and trendy hi–low bottom makes it flattering and fun to wear any day, not just for Homecoming.

Price: $34.98


League Women’s Bandeau Top

How to wear it: In either blue or red, this bandeau is just screaming to be worn at your next darty. Pair with high waisted shorts to complete this perfect Fling look.

Price: $14.99