*Welcome to Lowbrow. This is all fake.*
A male Penn student, 20, of Harrison College House, was arrested during a violent altercation Feb. 20 on Locust Walk. A student refused to make eye contact with him as he flyered for his a capella show.
A female Penn student, 19, of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, was arrested at Hill College House Feb. 21 for breaking and entering. An RA walked in on her covering a resident’s bed with a mixture of glitter and Theos swag.
A male Penn student, 18, of Riepe College House, was arrested Feb. 19 and taken in for questioning after his roommate found the many literal skeletons in his closet.
A female Penn student, 18, of Ware College House, was arrested Feb. 24 for disorderly conduct after claiming she had alcohol poisoning from drinking too much O’Douls and tonic water.