As your trusted authority on Penn rumors, Highbrow is here to catch you
up on some favorite stories and help you separate the fact from the crap.
The Quad Catacombs:
There are a series of underground tunnels underneath the Quad where students go to smoke and screw.
Truth Meter: 100% true. Only the bravest and horniest of hearts will embark on this underground expedition, but they will be rewarded for their efforts. This might be even better than the Grotto. You’re welcome, freshmen.
Amy Gutmann takes Locust Walk:
The president uses the campus’ main artery to get to and from her office in College Hall.
Truth Meter: 50% true. Although Amy was once spotted walking a dog on Locust Walk, we can neither confirm nor deny that this is her route of choice. In addition, we can neither confirm nor deny that she sleeps in her white mansion on Walnut. WHERE IS AMY?!