This article was originally published as part of the joke issue on 12.5.2013
Here’s what we got:
McCrepe ($4.49) What is it? A yogurt parfait scooped over an order of hotcakes. Employee reaction: “Can’t you just do that yourself?” Available at 40th and Walnut? Yes, but they enforce a strict DIY policy. How does it taste: It ain’t from Paris, but it ain’t bad.
McGrilled Cheese ($1.39) What is it? A grilled cheese Employee reaction: “You want just, like, bread and cheese?” “Yes.” “On a bagel?” “No, on one of the hamburgur buns.” “You want cheese on a bun?” “Yes.” “Just cheese?” “Yes.” “On a bun?” “Yes.” “Okay… Available at 40th and Walnut? They gave us a bagel with cheese. How does it taste: Like a bagel and cheese. We would have preferred a bun.
McFlurry Madness ($1.99) What is it? A McFlurry with a pie blended into it. Employee reaction: “Small or regular?” Available at 40th and Walnut? Kind of… we ordered one, and they gave us a McFlurry sans pie. So, no. How does it taste: Damn good, even without the flaky pieces of a Micky D’s better–than–Thanksgiving apple pie.
McGang Bang ($????) What is it? The McChicken sandwich wedged between the two beef patties of a Big Mac. Also, potentially a myth. Employee reaction: Confused but slightly threatening stare. Available at 40th and Walnut? As of yet, the 40th and Walnut staff are unaware of this secret menu item and might have been mildly offended when we tried ordering it. How does it taste: Like disappointment.