I'm obsessed with the music pumped through the Pottruck atrium and locker rooms. You know what tunes I’m talking about—and if you don’t, take those earbuds out and appreciate the background music of practically every pop and soft–rock hit from the ’60s until about 2004. I only wish Pottruck’s playlist was played louder so it could be heard over the hum of the treadmills. Really. When it comes to the gym, I’ll gladly turn off The xx or Kendrick Lamar on my iPod in favor of “Come on Eileen”’s too–ra–loo–ras coming out of the Pottruck speakers. I don’t have the time to cultivate a workout playlist that could ever rival the chart–topping, easy–listening brilliance of the music played at Pottruck. Hall & Oates might not be typical exercise motivation, but “You Make My Dreams Come True” will help you erg those last 500 meters every time.
Guilty Pleasure: Pottruck's Playlist