
Nevermind the fact that about 60% of horror movies involve a lake in some way or another—for some reason, Penn decided to play God and create its own little slice of nature. Wasn’t the whole point of Frankenstein to warn us against doing things like that? Besides, we hear that at night the biopond becomes a biohome for bats.

Spooky Score: 8/10


Abandoned House Next to Kelly Writer’s House

It’s so inconspicuous, sitting there right across from Commons with its dilapidated, peeling exterior. What is its purpose? You’ve never seen anyone go inside and you’ve definitely never seen anyone leave. Sometimes, as you eat your fiesta mac and cheese, you can’t help but wonder: does it even exist? Maybe it’s a good thing Penn’s tearing it down.

Spooky Score: 5/10


Basement of Gregory

The only thing more obscure than Gregory College House is the basement of Gregory College House. A broken–down foosball table, some dingy mattresses and two tables are all that can be found in this “study” space. Does any studying actually go on here? It looks more like the set of the next “Saw” movie.

Spooky Score: 7/10


Top Floor of DRL

Walking the halls of the top floor of DRL after sunset has a distinctly high–school–horror–movie feel to it. Without the friendly faces of engineers, there’s no one to hear you scream …or to calculate the speed at which it reached them.

Spooky Score: 4/10


Caverns of the Quad

Hidden beneath the Quad is an extensive series of tunnels with 20–foot–high ceilings stretching from the Lower Quad gate to McClelland. Nobody knows what lies at the end of this underground maze, but according to labyrinths past, it’s probably a minotaur, a sphinx or David Bowie.

Spooky Score: 10/10