Street brings you three DIYs to both commemorate your vacation days and deck out your new digs.
Summer Photo Garland
Whether you used a disposable camera to document your travels, printed summer photos from Facebook or simply accumulated piles of postcards from Eurotripping friends, here’s a creative way to showcase your snapshots.
You’ll Need: Ribbon or twine Scissors Paper clips or clothespins Photos
1. Cut three pieces of string of varying lengths, between three and four feet each. Tie them together at each end.
2. Attach photos with clothespins or paper clips. Hang over a mirror or on a wall.
Road Map Coasters
While you probably GPS’ed your way through that cross country road trip, resting your glass on an iPhone screen doesn’t have a whole lot of bohemian charm. Memorialize your route with this charming conversation starter.
Street brings you three DIYs to both commemorate your vacation days and deck out your new digs.
You’ll Need:Sheets of cork (find at CVS or office supply store)Marker X-acto knife Map Scissors Glue or Mod Podge
1. Trace your desired shapes onto the cork—circles or squares work best. Using your knife, cut out the pieces of cork.
2. Trace the shapes onto the surface of your map; cut them out with scissors.
3. Glue the map cutouts to the pieces of cork. Spread your coasters on your kitchen table. Make frequent Kerouac allusions.