Renata O’Donnell, College ‘16

“We Are The Millers. It was so funny.”

Emilee Brown, College ‘15

“My sister and I had a 13 hour layover in China on our way back from Nepal this summer, and we watched Man of Steel. It was so good.”

Bharat Ganju, College ‘15

“Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. It’s a Hindi movie with no English title but, here, I’ll show you what it’s about [pulls out Wikipedia page on phone].”

Justin Hash, Wharton ‘17

“The Butler. It showed the complete history of American culture from slavery to modern day.”

Kana Daniel, College ‘17

“It’s not a new movie, but I saw Toy Story 3 for the first time this summer. Even though I hadn’t seen the other ones, it was really touching.”