Now that we're about two weeks into summer, season finales have begun to air and we know you've watched every Arrested Development four times already.  We have over three months of summer left and you're left with nothing to watch.  34th Street's got the scoop on the new favorites you HAVE to add to your Netflix queue.

Being Human: It's a show about a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost who are all roommates…AND IT'S KIND OF AWESOME. The U.S. version boasts a lighter attitude played up by hotter actors.  But once you've finished with that, there are 6 more seasons of the British version with more supernatural goodness for your viewing pleasure!

United States of Tara: If you haven't already devoured every episode of this tragicomedy about a suburban housewife suffering from multiple personality disorder, it's definitely worth a watch.  As the late Stefon would say, "this show has got everything: comedy; drama; and a sexy teenager, gruff trucker, and Betty Crocker homemaker all trapped in Toni Collette's body."  But forrealz, Collette is phenomenal in this smart-as-hell series.



The most charmingly adorkable fake-psychic detective partners up with Dule Hill (love) to bring you this amazingly funny and witty detective show.  You'll be laughing and falling in love with Shawn and Gus' J.D./Turk-esque bromance every minute.

Greek: Don't lie, we all know you're starting to miss those TEP band parties and the SAE late nights.  This will do the trick.

The Borgias: The season finale of Game of Thrones is coming up (June 9th! Oh no!), but never fear, because Borgia is here to fill that void.  Another scintillating historical drama filled with sex, violence, and politics, the show tracks the Borgia family and their rise to power in Renaissance Italy. Other than the inconsistency in accent among the actors, this show is just as delicious as your precious Game of Thrones.



Agatha Christie's Poirot: Out of the 317 reviews on Netflix, Poirot consistently got 4-5 stars. And how could it not? This highly successful British mystery crime drama has been running for 13 seasons (YAY!) only 6 of which are available on Netflix Instant (boo…).  Inspired by one of Agatha Christie's most famous characters, the show follows detective Hercule Poirot—and his awesome mustache—as he solves crimes across the pond.


If none of those do it for ya, don't forget the 12 seasons of Law & Order: SVU on instant watch!