While Ra Ra Riot’s first two albums were decidedly baroque, its upcoming album, “Beta Love,” takes a sharp turn into the realm of the synth, à la musicians like Passion Pit and Miike Snow. The group gets props for trying out something new, but the shift may be a bit disappointing for those who were anticipating its signature violin, instead of rehashed electronic beats. Some tracks, like “What I Do For U” and “Binary Mind,” are borderline annoying, as even the synth falls flat, failing to provide something dance–worthy in return for the sudden lack of romantic appeal. The effort is there, but Ra Ra Riot should probably stick with what it does best: blending orchestral music and modern rock. Grade: B- Sounds best when: You’re not really paying attention to what you’re listening to but just need some poppy noise. 99-cent download: “When I Dream"
Ra Ra Riot — "Beta Love"