This week we introduced baby to nourishment. The formula the hospital gave us ran out pretty quickly, so we decided to improvise. Turns out Baby didn’t like our homemade mixture of sawdust, kale and milk very much.

Since Baby wasn’t so thrilled with our concoction, we went to Kings Court instead. Baby reviewed the stir fry as “glaaaaarghaa glugby," which we interpreted as “mediocre at best.” Looks like we’re raising a picky eater!

To celebrate Baby’s two week anniversary, we treated ourselves to some fine dining downtown. Baby wanted to try some of our steak, but without teeth, this seemed a little hard for Baby to eat. So, we just chewed it up first and regurgitated it into Baby’s mouth, like a penguin. That’s normal, right?

Here, we offer a typical day for baby’s digestive system.

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Spit up.



Radioactive poop.




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Baby food.

A stepped–on banana found behind the Fruit Cart.

14 pages from Nicole "Snook" Polizzi's masterpiece, A Shore Thing.

Beijing dumplings.

Diet Coke.

Stale Insomnia Cookies.

