So, Lowbrow had a weird winter break. This happened, that happened, we got knocked up and now we have some news! Lowbrow had a baby!!! No one’s quite certain exactly how this went down, but it did, and now we have a teeny tiny little cutest–you–ever–saw, squishy, bouncy, adooooorable baby!

Lowbrow is so excited to be parents. If fifth grade flour babies taught us anything, it’s that we are at least a C+ at parenting! At first Baby would cry a lot. Screaming with love, we assumed. But one sleepless night we were all loved out and that’s when we discovered that just a spoonful of Jim Bean makes Baby sleep like the little angel that Baby is. Looks like we’re already awesome parents!

We can’t wait to teach Baby all it needs to know to blossom at Penn. Soon you’ll love Baby just as much as we guess we do.